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Stick To The Requirements

He has told you, O man, what is good; And what does the Lord require of you Except to be just, and to love [and to diligently practice] kindness (compassion), And to walk humbly with your God [setting aside any overblown sense of importance or self-righteousness]? Micah 6:8 amp

Ok that is it right there! That is what I need. You know those days that I am having Lord, where I am not sure if I am coming or going sometimes. Doing so many things trying to make sure I please you. What a modern-day tale of Martha. I don’t have to work for righteousness. I can’t earn it. I don’t deserve it. I know all these things intellectually, but Lord do I BELIEVE them? Do I BELIEVE You?

All you require is to be just, love, be kind and walk humbly. That seems easy enough but my rushing around drags me from this. Be just – carry myself in a manner that is right and worthy. Love kindness (or mercy) – be forgiving, kind, respectful. And to walk humbly – not be about me all the time.

In all my busyness and work to avoid getting into trouble or doing something wrong, I am doing just the opposite. My rushing around doesn’t allow me the time to consider what others are saying, to meditate on Your words or fully hear from You. I’m not carrying myself then as a person who is the light of the world but more like a shooting star – just for a moment, hope you didn’t miss it. It also affects my kindness is meeting the real need those who come to me may have. Lord that is not how You treat me. Help me to follow Your example and spend the time to be kind. Apteral it is not all about me. I have only considered myself and what I need to do. What an overblown sense of importance. What about what You have called me to do today. Let me just stick to the requirements Lord. Help me not to add or take away. I BELIEVE Your way is perfect.

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